Many people across the world have expressed mixed reactions about the content of the video about LRA war and its commander Joseph Kony being played in USA and Europe. Some Ugandans and Africans have welcomed USA’s interests in ending the bloody LRA war.
But others complain that when Joseph Kony was maiming people in the northern Uganda, killing them, forcing them out of their homes for years, kidnapping people, selling young girls and boys as slaves and at one time forcing some village to cook corpses and then forced them to eat them and then summarily killed everyone in South Sudan, the Americans and Europeans were almost mute and could only send in help in form of military trainers to the UPDF.
Now when Joseph Kony is no threat, the Americans have taken an active interest in him but some Ugandans suspect that the Americans might be targeting new oil discoveries in northern Uganda. It is rumoured that there is huge oil deposits in some parts of Northern Uganda.