There was drama at the headquarters of the electoral commission today when the embattled Lubaga North MP, Singh Katongole stormed the office of the chairperson of the commission and pleaded with him not to gazette his polirical rival, Moses Kasibante, as the dully elected Rubaga North MP.
Singh who reportedly went secretly to the commission asked Eng. Badru Kiggundu to delay the process such that it gives him a change to challenge the court ruling which threw him out of parliament last week.
Singh’s pleas have come at a time when the court of appeal had already instructed the Electoral Commission to gazette Moses Kasibante. However the commission’s secretary Sam Rwakoojo says that there is no way the commission could not gazette Kasibante since there is a court directive on the effect.
Three Court of Appeal justices led by Constance Byamugisha threw away Singh’s appeal that he had sought to overturn a High Court judgment that first threw him out of Parliament over electoral malpractices and ordered for the reinstatement of his rival, Kasibante, in his place.
The amended Parliamentary elections act 2010, Section (66) clause 3 provides that the Court of Appeal is the final court pertaining Parliamentary election petitions. Singh Katongole’s case was trashed by the court of appeal.