Bananas (Matooke) are low in calories but high in water. Matooke is a staple food in Buganda kingdom, but its consumption has expanded to different tribes of Uganda including the Banyankole, Banyoro among other tribes.
However many of the consumers of bananas aren’t aware of its benefits. And because of this, our media team decided to unearth for you the benefits of eating Matooke.
Matooke contains potassium, magnesium, carbohydrates and vitamins that the body needs to function properly. Potassium helps bodies to maintain a desirable amount of water in the body and it keeps stroke, muscle disorders and muscle cramps in neck.
Magnesium plays a vital role in kipping the heart, muscles and bones healthy. Matooke also contains fatty acids that nourish the cells in the lining of the intestines, aiding the absorption of nutrients like calcium that strengthens the bones, teeth and nails. It is also recommended for diabetic patients due to its high energy levels and low calories content. Hover it is not healthy to eat only matooke because you may miss out some vital nutrients.
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