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How to reduce cancer risks with pumpkins

Pumpkins are one of the foods grown and eaten in Uganda. It is mostly served as an extra food on a meal in most homes and eating places. But did you know that pumpkin is vital for your health? Pumpkins can be used to reduce cancer related illnesses.

Pumpkins are rich in carotene; an antioxidant helps to detoxify the body. They also provides energy to vulnerable groups of people such as babies, the sick, pregnant women and old people because of the calories they contain.

The consumer gains 24 calories. For the best results, pumpkins should be steamed because food retains nutrients when steamed.

Pumpkin also contains antioxidant cld CAROTENOID and BETE-CRYPTOXANTHIN. This helps to lower the risk of lunge cancer in smokers; they are also good for weight management because they don’t contain fat.

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