Symptoms of anorectic malformation, children born without anus

It is so shocking for one to produce an anorectic malformation child (child born without anus).

In some cultures and families in Africa, such a child is thrown in a pit latrine, along the roadside, bush or killed and secretly buried.

Anorectic malformation occurs when the final part of alimentary canal [called the anus and the rectum] are abnormally developed.

This, according to doctors, occurs during de 5th-7th week of foetal development.

The defect is cute common and it can be corrected through surgery. The symptoms of anorectic malformation are when the baby doesn’t pass stool after birth.

Observing that the anus is closed is another sign of anorectic malformation.  Sometimes the stool comes through another opening for example the vagina or urethra, and the abdomen may swell because the baby isn’t able to pass stool.

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