Bananas or matooke in Luganda is a staple food for some tribes in Uganda such as Baganda, Bagishu, Basoga and among some people in western Uganda.
We all understand that matooke is a favourite food in Uganda but we have brought to you what you need to know before you prepare matooke for lunch, breakfast or super.
Matooke should be steamed in banana leaves than polythene bags, the way some people in towns do now days.
The matooke food is so delicious in Buganda and among other tribes as we told you. It comprises of carbohydrates and water.
There are cases when the banana food is wrapped in or covered with polythene bags to preserve the heat as the food is cooked.
This is particularly common with food vendors, so as to cut back on costs that come with using banana leaves.
However using polythene bags of any kind poses health risk. Polythene bags contain carbon compounds, which can be transferred to the food within. These compounds unfortunately are carcinogenic (cancer causing). The effects of using polythene bags to prepare matooke are not immediate but they develop over time.
There is also a danger of overcooking matooke which is a common practice, among people in Buganda which trips the food of its nutritional values.