Ground foods such as sorghum, millet and ground nuts are staple foods among the Acholi, Japadola, Alur, Lango, Lugbara and Banyankole of westernUganda.
In brief many people consume pastes from sorghum, millet and ground nuts to enhance their main dishes.
The pastes are extracted from dried grains by traditional means of using a gridding stone or modern ways of grain milling.
It should be noted that the paste is nutritious, but the trouble comes in during the process of drying the sorghum, ground nuts and millet seeds.
The drying of millet, ground seeds and sorghum is usually done on unclean surface, or places. So the care should be taken to have them dried on clean surfaces because small stones might mix up with the seeds.
The care should also be taken during storing because the bits of stones that come off the grinding stone and are mixed into the flour or paste may cause appendix complications.