Signs of Andropause, symptoms of andropause, sexual hormone replacement


Signs of Andropause: men may experience some mood swings, restlessness, low sex drive and irritability.

However the symptoms differ in severity and they aren’t similar in all men affected by this condition. If it occurs at any age between 30, it can be treated through sexual hormone replacement (testosterone). However when it occurs after the age of 50, the treatment is not effective because during this period the sexual growth is not taking place.

Factors for andropause: the senile stage e.g. at the age of 50 there is no more growth going on in the body and hence number of productive hormones could be affected.

At this stage a person may develop sudden and complete stoppage, develop chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and pressure as they affect the normal functioning of the body and these diseases may at times be responsible for affecting the secretion of testosterone, emotional disturbances. Also note that the above conditions and diseases may reduce a man’s ability to handle stress.

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