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StudyUNU-IIGH Ph.D. Fellowships Programme

UNU-IIGH Ph.D. Fellowships Programme: The United Nation University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) Ph.D. Fellowships Programme seeks six postdoctoral candidates from educational institutes around the world who would benefit from a period of stay to twelve months at UNU-IIGH in Kuala Lumpur.

The programme will be closely related to UNU-IIGH’s own research programmes:-

  • Efficiency and Quality of Care in Health Systems
  • Newly Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases
  • Control of Non-communicable Diseases
  • Information Technology in Health
  • Climate Change and Health
  • Impact of Globalization on Health

Fellowship Application Eligibility:

  • Applicants must be at the dissertation-writing stage of their Ph.D.s, with their research proposals accepted by the candidates’ universities.
  • Candidates must be able to make use of the UNU-IIGH facilities in Kuala Lumpur to carry out their own research on a topic relevant to current research areas of the UNU-IIGH.

Closing Date: 11th July.

For more information and application, see: UNU-IIGH Ph.D. Fellowships Programme

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