Tetanus is one of the conditions or bacteria that secretly kill thousands of people in African countries Uganda inclusive. Tetanus is a condition commonly known as lockjaw by scientists which is bacteria disease caused by the clostridium tetan germ.
Tatenus germs live in the soil or in faecal matters of animals and or humans. It enters the body through deep and dirty wound.
The signs of tetanus are in newborns, the first sign appear between 3-10 days after birth. The child may be irritable and many times the umbilical cord area is dirty and infected. After several hours or days, the baby develops lockjaw and can’t open its mouth due to stiff muscles.
The baby may also experience feeding difficulty and spasms triggered by touching, noise or light and high fever plus sadness. If untreated the child may fail to open the mouth and will experience painful spasms frequently and consequently the neck and the back muscles retract backwards.