Types of body swellings and treatment, causes of swelling during pregnancy


There are two major swellings acne (small swelling) and edema (swelling of the feet). In this news briefing we bring to you how you can prevent your feet from swelling.

Edema often happens during pregnancy because the body fluids increase in order to nurture a woman and her unborn baby. So there is no need for people to worry when this one happens because though the condition is uncomfortable, it’s harmless and perfectly normal. However lying or sitting with your feet slightly rose may help you reduce the swelling (edema).

Acne is a pimple-like- swelling on the body apart from the feet. It is the most common of all skin swellings. It happens when too much sebum is produced forcing the body skin pores to get clogged. In case the small swelling persists it is advisable one to see a dermatologist.

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