Benefits of boo and malakwang

Boo and Malakwang are delicious souses made from leafy vegetables and ground nuts or simsim paste.

Malakwang is popular among the Acholi tribe in northernUgandawhile boo is popular among the people living inWest Nile.

These two sauces are highly nutritious sauces; however, their nutritional value can easily be lost during storage and preparation such as washing and cooking.

This is because when vegetables are washed, the residue water which is green is usually poured away yet it contains soluble vitamins. When vegetables are cut, washed and cooked, a number of its nutrients are dissolved in water. Therefore vegetables should be slightly cooked to kill the germs and they are usually ready between 5-10 minutes.

Over cooking renders boo and malakwang and all greens in general useless as they lose their nutrients.

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