Candidiasis, thrush and yeast infection


What is candidiasis, thrush and yeast infection? It is one of the many types of fungus that live and grow inside most human bodies.

The causes of candidiasis, thrush and yeast infections are prolonged or frequent use of antibiotics or corticosteroids, leading to a depletion of good bacteria, poor digestion and elimination, a depressed immune system, a high sugar diet, allergies, stress, and hormonal changes and birth control pills, and aging.

Thrush is an infectious disease of the mouth and throat especially in children but sometimes it attacks the virginal too.

The symptoms of thrush and yeast infections include white patches on inside of the mouth, inflamed, and red patches on the skin. Other symptoms thrush and yeast infections are bad breath, heavily coated tongue, dry mouth, virginal itching for ladies, pain and burning, thick yellow discharge, and burning during urination.


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