Study Subject(s):Art, Design and Architecture,Education (not Mathematics and Science programmes) ,Economics and Financial Sciences, Engineering ,Built Environment,Health Sciences,Faculty of Law ,Management
Course Level:Master and Doctoral
Scholarship Provider: University of Johannesburg
Scholarship can be taken at: South Africa
Special merit bursaries are awarded to students who have attained 80% and higher in their previous year of university study in all subjects.
Scholarship Open for International Students: No
Scholarship Description: In general, two categories of bursaries are available and are differentiated by the manner in which they are allocated to the students – either as a bursary via theresearch supervisor (as part of a project grant) or directly to the student.Postgraduate bursaries are awarded to all students (South African citizens and foreign students).
How to Apply: By mail/By post
Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 August 2012