Traditional leaders (witchcrafts) in Uganda want to visit Mecca and Medina. Mecca and Medina are holy cities in the Muslim faith. The traditional leaders preparing to visit Mecca and Medina are led by their head, Maama Fiina (Sylvia Namutebi). The traditional hemembers say that even if they believe and worship idols they remain people who have a right to visit Mecca and Medina.
But Sheikh Sulaiman Guggwa says that the intention by the traditional healers to go on pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina is a blasphemy to the Muslims communities around the world.
The Sheikh is a member of the committee that coordinates the Muslims pilgrimages in Uganda. Sheikh Gugwa describes the act by the witchcrafts as a breach of the foundations of Islam. He says that maama Fiina and his group members don’t believe in the five pillars of Islam.
The five pillars of Islam are giving alms (in Arabic read Zakat), fasting (during the month of Ramadhan), visiting Mecca and Medina, and praying five times a day and believing in One Allah (God).
Mama Fiina claims that she has a right to visit Mecca and Medina because she is married to a Muslim man and consequently converted to Islam. Mama Fiina is the head of traditional healers and owns a number of shrines in town.
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