Kenya’s Energy minister, Kiraitu Murungi on Wednesday last week launched the East Africa Oil and Gas Summit (EAOG) at the Serena Hotel Nairobi. As if this was not enough, the same minister says that the 21st century is extremely exciting times for the oil and gas production throughout East Africa’s countries of Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda both in terms of realization and huge potential.
He says the discovery of oil will bring together all the leading players involved in oil production throughout the world, representing governments and private sectors. The minister also says that EAOG will hold a two-day strategic conference in Nairobi in November this year in order to provide a platform for the East African oil exploration.
Oil and gas discoveries are also so many in Mozambique, Democratic Republic of and South Sudan. The Kenyan minister says that the November summit will unite regional and international investors and industry experts. The Summit comes at a perfect time when the world eyes East Africa in terms of oil exploration and possible export.