How to prevent pre-term labour
By Walakira on August 29, 2012
As a precaution measures, doctors put women with multiple pregnancy to bed rest in order to prevent early dilation of the cervix.
Women should also avoid strenuous activities during pregnancy, infections like yeast and bacterial vaginosis should be managed quickly to avoid pre-mature labour.
Treating symptoms of a vaginal infection if necessary can help to diminish the risk of pre-mature rupture of the membranes. Keeping your antenatal appointments can also help in monitoring of the pregnancy. Pre-term labour is defined as regular contractions and dilation of the cervix before the 37th week of pregnancy.
It can be induced by a health care provider due to pregnancy complication or it could happen spontaneously. Pre-term labour is caused by multiple pregnancies. This is because when a woman is carrying a multiple pregnancy, her uterus expands more than usual and it may exert pressure on the cervix to open earlier than usual infections.