A lot of people may say that age is a state of mind, that a person is only as old as they feel. That is an upbeat and optimistic approach to aging; the question is if that applies when it comes to relationships.
It has quite often been acceptable for a male to be the older person in a relationship. Some issues can arise if the opposite happens; a younger man and an older woman. In addition, there can be some issues as well, if the male is many years older than the female.
It is possible to have a secure and loving relationship in which there is an age difference, if both people involved understand certain issues that may arise and they can work together to resolve them.
The most important factor to understand is that although our bodies will show our age to a certain degree, age is most significant when it relates to maturity. Whether you find yourself to be the younger or the older person in a relationship, take into account whether your maturity levels match. You may find in life that a fifty year old and a thirty year old can be very similar in regard to their maturity level. This all depends on their life experiences, personal outlooks and goals.
One dynamic that can make or break a relationship is the common ground that you share with the other person. Most people will undoubtedly get along with someone who has similar interests and hobbies. A night owl versus a morning bird will certainly not be in sync with each other.
The same theory holds true for interests. While it is healthy to have some of your own personal interests, it is very helpful to the relationship that you share time together doing things that you both enjoy. Think about whether the age difference will affect activities done together; whether they be hiking, skiing or watching movies, these times spent together will keep the relationship strong.
Another aspect to consider is if the age difference will interfere with your own personal goals. Whether you want to concentrate on your career, have children or spend your free time traveling; ask yourself if your partner??This age difference agrees with your way of life.
Discuss the future, not just the present situation. Some topics to consider are finances, children, retirement goals and career choices.
You may find it very useful to choose a time to sit down and seriously talk about how the age difference may affect your lives one year, five years and possibly twenty years down the road.
Most importantly, if you and your partner feel you are right for each other, age will not matter. We all begin our quest for love as young adults and we live with the intention of holding strong into our senior years. If two people are lucky enough people find each other, it usually will not matter at which point in life they do so. When it comes to love, age is just a number.
By Katungulu Isah