Members of the Network for African Women Ministers and Parliamentarians-Uganda Chapter have vowed to work towards having more funding for the health sector in the next national budget to ensure equipping of the Hospitals.
The Chairperson of the Network for African Women Ministers and Parliamentarians-Uganda Sylvia Namabidde says that efforts are already under way to have all the monetary pledges by government are put in place.
While speaking at the London Summit on Family Planning in July this year, President Yoweri Museveni pledged that his government would increase budget allocation for Family Planning supplies from 3.3 million dollar to 5 million US dollar for the next five years.
Namabidde says that as the Uganda marks World Safe motherhood day on the theme Zero tolerance to maternal and newborn deaths, Play your Part, the group is determined to follow up with government in regard to the pledge to reduce maternal mortality rates.