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Ministry of Education officials pinned on paying ghost staff

MPs on Public Accounts Committee have questioned Ministry of Education for continuing paying salary to staff that left the Ministry which they said has caused Government a financial loss at the expense of tax payer’s money.

The Committee while meeting officials from the Ministry of Education led by the Permanent Secretary Francis Lubaga discovered that several staff left the Ministry but were still appearing on the payroll and have been drawing salary up to date.

Committee lead Council and Bufubira County East MP Eddie Kwizera the asked the officials to recover the money in accordance with regulations.

Kwizera exchanges with the human resource officer of the ministry of education Twinembabazi Eriabu.

According to the Auditor General’s Report of 2009/10.a case in point one Denis Ojuk who got an appointment with Abim District Local Government as procurement officer since 2006 is still getting double salary from Government.


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