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Health experts in sensitisation to reduce premature births

Health experts have embarked on a massive sensitization campaign to reduce premature birth and its related complications.

The experts from the ministry of Health, Save the Children and UNICEF say that parents need to embrace the basic interventions to ensure that premature babies get enough warmth for their survival.

Statistic indicates that worldwide every year at least 15 million babies are born too soon before the completion of the nine months of Pregnancy.

Speaking a head of the World Prematurity Day to be marked tomorrow, the Chairperson of the Newborn steering Committee Dr. Gelasis Mukasa says that the death of babies born before 37 completed weeks of pregnancies is the second leading cause of Infant Mortality.

Dr. Mukasa says that parents should embrace the Kangaroo Mother Care model which keeps babies warm because of the Skin to Skin Contact between the baby and the care giver.

He says the basic skills should be supplemented by medical practices like Anti-neutral services for expectant mothers and supply of relevant drugs by government.

Dr Hanifah Naamala Ssengondo from Save the Children Uganda said the campaign is aimed at creating awareness among the population on newborn survival targeting premature babies so as to meet the global targets of curbing Infant Mortality.

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