Ragae Legend Bob Marley in Uganda is ‘worshiped’ by Rastafarians, thieves and robbers

 On Wednesday 6th February 2013 was another Birthday of the fallen Ragae Legend Bob Marley. The singer was one of the major promoters of the Rastafarian Movement around the world.

The movement came about after Ethiopia (one of the African countries) defeated Italy’s Mussolini in 1936 when the Italian had come to revenge the Battle of Adoa in 1898 so as to rewrite history.

Ras Fara (Halie Selassie), the Leader then after the defeat became a hero among the black both in Africa and the diaspora. But many Rastafarians in Uganda think to be a true Rastafarian one has to smoke Marijuana, swallow gut, and steal peoples’ products, murder and carryout a series of raping. However the Rastafarian movement was a movement of promoting African Nationalism.

Bob Marley was born in the village of Nine Mile in Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica 6th Feb 2013 would have been Marley’s 65th birthday. Late Bob Marley made his reggae music to uplift Africans, inform, entertain, inspire, and make change in the world. Bob Marley was a musician, a poet and songwriter, a philosopher, a soldier, an African activist and a leader.

Walakira Nyanzi


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