Women in Africa abandon contraceptives for ‘causing cancer’


Hundreds of women in Uganda no longer want to use contraceptives due to their increasing side effects. The health practitioners in Uganda also confirm this! Uganda government believes that because many women have abandoned contraceptives, this can explain the increasing rate of unwanted pregnancies in Uganda.

During a recent meeting to publicise study findings on the use of contraceptives in Uganda by the Guttmacher Institute, the health workers in Uganda told members in the meeting that Ugandan women have started abandoning contraceptives because they cause them prolonged periods, irregular periods, infections, backache, loss of libido, dizziness, wounds in the stomach, boils in the stomach, cancers, general weakness of the body and others claim contraceptives make them to produce lame children and academically dull children.

The estimates from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics indicate that over 4 in 10 births in Uganda are unplanned because women abandon contraceptives.

Ms Prossy Bulega, a midwife with the Uganda Private Midwives Association, urges the manufacturers of the contraceptives to reduce their side effects. The meeting was attended by many obstetrician consultants, midwives, staff of the Uganda Bureau of statistics, ministry of health officials and some senior members of the public and politicians among others.

Walakira Nyanzi


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