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Where in Uganda Spina bifida can be treated?


In Uganda there is an organization called IF Child Help Uganda. It is a branch office of the International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. IF Child Uganda works together with hospitals and rehabilitation centers to provide interdisciplinary care for persons with spina bifida and hydrocephalus.


Specialized neurosurgical care for children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus in Uganda is offered by CURE children’s hospital in Mbale. Since its opening in 2000, CURE has become a center of excellence for neurosurgery and has developed a multidisciplinary approach for the care of children with spina bifida and for prevention efforts.


After neurosurgery, children receive medical review, rehabilitation and social support services through a follow-up system of clinics in Gulu (AVSI Foundation/ Gulu Regional Rehabilitation Center), Regional Referral Hospitals, Katalemwa Cheshire  Home (Kampala), Lira Regional Referral Hospital, and Our Useful Rehabilitation Services for Persons with Disabilities (OURS-in Mbarara).


Rehabilitation activities include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, provision of appliances, clean intermittent catheterization and bowel management, and community based rehabilitation. Social support is provided through parent support groups, self-help groups of parent with children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, counseling, and lobbying at schools to promote inclusive education.


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