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In support of Gen. Salim Saleh proposal to pardon the corrupt

General Saleh is a very understanding person ,many will blame me and accuse me,but I stand by my word,the General has been so helpful to all Ugandans irrespective of political allegiance.
In fact General Saleh is one of the solutions towards giving Uganda a new beginning and I request him to initiate national reconciliation and we forge ahead.Uganda’s problems will be solved by Ugandans,like it or not.The vested interests by the Western world due to discovery of oil will polarize the country further.

His suggestion for amnesty towards the corrupt is also reasonable,otherwise sounding war drums will never offer solution to the country.We know that the country is at crossroads but they can be a solution.High degree of tolerance is needed now and the oppressed and oppressors can find amicable solution to avoid further polorisation of the country.
To our leaders,they ought to know that leadership is a sacrifice and to serve people and the country and not after self enrichment.The likes of Ndugu Rugunda,FDC President Muntu Gregory Mugisha,Hon Mushega Amanya and the old guards of DP-Semo,Sebaana,Lubega,Kawangas etc ought to promote sanity in politics,this will be good for the country and promotion of political tolerance

As for Itongwa,he was not advised well and we are all aware that he had mental problems as documented by independent Danish reports,the so called marginalised senior officer like Mzee Kyaligonza,didnt they stay in the country and arent they part of the ruling hierachy.We should devise ways of solving problems

May the Soul of the deceased Itongwa rest in Peace,May the Almighty God offer comfort to his family and believe the State will forgive,though not forget and accord one of the best freedom fighters a decent burial.

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