Uganda President Idi Amim Dada’s funny speech


“My Majesty Mr.Queen sir, horrible ministers, members of parliament, invented guests, ladies under gentlemen. I thank the Queen very plenty 4 wat he has done 2 me & my fellow Uganda who come with me. I tell u, i’ve eaten very much dat am now fed up with malicious meal.

Be4 i continue, i wud kindly ask u 2 open the windows so dat the climate may get in plenty. But be4 i go back 2 my country with a plane frm Entebbe airport of London, i must invert u Mr. Queen sir to my country & i can assure u Mr.Queen dat wen u come, i shall revenge to u, u’ll eat a full cow & i’ll work very difficult 2 make sure dat u’ll come back with a very full stomach. Even wen u want 2 rest at nite, i’ll make sure dat u sleep on top of me in the top upstairs of my mansion so dat u can enjoy all the gravity of fresh air.

Idi-AminFor now i’m sorry dat i’ve just made a short call on u. The next time i’ll make a long 1 possible for a full moon. Thank u 4 letting me undress u infront of all the disgusting p’ple.

Lastly but not list, i ask the band to beat our International anthem of the Republic of Uganda & also the British International anthem…..your Majesty sir, i thank u frm the bottom of my heart & frm the bottoms of all p’ple of Uganda.With this few words, i thank u sir”

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