Habits that can harm your skin

Taking pimples into your own hands: If you pick at your skin or squeeze a painful pimple, you are a part to prolong your misery.

Microbes in your nail risk introducing a secondary infection at the spot. But you will also risk causing a rupture deep in the skin, which can result in an inflammatory reaction that is bigger than the original pimple can last as much as twice as long and is more liable to scar.


BETTER WAY: Keep your hands off your acne; try applying a warm compress to bring it to the surface.

Another way to dry the pimple without pinching the skin is crushing aspirin into water. For long-term acne, consider ongoing professional or over-the counter treatments to prevent outbreaks. If you must squeeze that pimple, first clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Put a tissue over the spot and squeeze through the tissue.


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