In his book, ”All Things Pass, Except The Past” Luc Huyse, the author is discussing the world’s conflicts and how the International community has tried to solve them. Some of the world conflicts the author is writing about are in Middle East, Africa and Europe including in Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Somalia and Rwanda.
He talks about how world dictators including those in Africa use the law to forgive their cronies and give themselves Amnesty. When I was reading the final pages of “All things Pass, Except The Past), I noticed how recently the government of Uganda reportedly hired a Law firm at $5M to help the Kenyan new President Ruto and his Vice President escape the International Criminal Court (ICC) case.

One would ask that in whose interest were the Ugandan government acting? Did the Parliament of Uganda endorse the use of this money? Economic experts at Makerere University say that the $1M was worthy 2.6 Uganda shillings. This money was enough to buy some machinery at the heart or cancer institute.
This also made me to recall what the former president of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), Col. Doctor Kizza Besigye told the people who were attending one of his rallies. Besigye is quoted to have said “…but because those who rule us see themselves as potential candidates of the ICC, they will do any thing humanly possible, to see the end of the ICC.”
Walakira Nyanzi