Curcumin and spices are so important when it comes to tackling cancerous tumours or treating cancerous tumours or simple tumours.
Curcumin and spices are found in turmeric. Curcumin has an anti-tumour and antioxidant properties. It is a popular indician spice in the ginger family. It is quite possibly the most powerful anti-cancer spice in the world.
Curcumin has also shown, according to research, to have both chemo protective and chemo-sensitising-properties.
The above sentence means that it will both enhance the positive cancer-killing effects of conventional chemotherapy, while at the same time protect healthy cells, which may be susceptible to being harmed by chemotherapy.
The more you eat garlic the more you benefit. The crop contains compound active factors in our cells that control cancer-fighting processes. Other beneficial spices include ginger, dill and parsley among others. Unfortunately, dill and parsley are not common in some African countries such as Uganda.