Over 842 million people lack food- new UN report reveals


Over 842 million people in different parts of the world, especially Africa (which is believed to be the land of suffering) go hungry, Robert van Otterdijk, an agriculture industry expert at FAO has said. FAO is Food and Agriculture Organisation and it’s a UN Rome based organisation.


Robert van Otterdijk calls to raise world food production by 32% to feed the world’s population in 2050, instead of the 60% currently estimated by FAO and UN in general.

The FAO official further says that type of food being consumed by some people poorly-balanced and imposes high costs, towers health care bills and lost productivity on society.

FAO reports indicate that one out of every four children in the world under the age of five is stunted. And this means 165 million children who are malnourished. The same FAO reports reveal that over two billion people in the world lack vitamins and minerals while 1.4 billion people are overweight.


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