One of our readers Grace Nakalema sent to us an email this week. She was asking for the common mistakes women do in sex…leading to unwanted pregnancies. These mistakes are: CERTAIN DRUGS. People should check with doctors if certain drugs may cause interactions that reduce the effectiveness of pills/ birth control methods.
FERTILE PERIOD MISTAKE: Miscalculating that one is not in fertile days can potentially lead to an unplanned pregnancy.
AGE FACTOR: A quarter of unplanned pregnancies occur in women below 20 years. Lack of experience or immaturity of adolescents is an important factor of contraception failure.
SICKNESS: Sickness like vomiting or loose stool increase the chances of contraceptive pill coming out of the body without being absorbed thus leading to unwanted pregnancies.
COITUS INTERRUPTUS (withdraw method): This one is common but a risky form of birth control. Coitus interrruptus is practiced by couples around the world. But accidents can occur. Even a drop of semen before withdrawal can result in to pregnancy. Pre- ejaculatory fluid contains sperms that can impregnate a woman.