For how long does sinusitis last?


Acute sinusitis – lasts up to a maximum of four weeks. Acute sinusitis is often caused by the common cold.

However, long sinusitis could be caused by bacteria, allergies, and fungal infections. Its treatment depends on what caused it in your body.

In the majority of cases home remedies are suitable treatments. However, if the sinusitis is persistent it can lead to serious infections and severe complications.

With acute sinusitis,    the patient’s sinuses become inflamed and swollen. It stops the drainage and causes a build up of mucus. The doctors refer this as acute rhino sinusitis.

When you have acute sinusitis, you find it hard to breathe through your nose. The area adjacent to your eyes and nose may feel swollen and puffed up. You could have throbbing facial pain and a headache. Sometimes a patient with acute sinusitis may have a fever. Treatment may include an antibiotic.


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