Best family planning method

The best family planning method is that one which works best for lovers who you may rightly call couple.


Ideally, one should be informed about all family planning methods and the risks of using them before the people decide which one to take on. I think you are all aware that some of the family planning methods cause cancer, bareness and uncontrolled periods but the World Health Organisation does not want doctors to reveal it.

The intrauterine contraceptive device : The intrauterine contraceptive device / coil is a small device with a string, which is placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy.


But it should be inserted by a trained health worker. Although sections of some medical experts believe it causes cancer of the cervix. There are two types of intrauterine contraceptive devices: THE COOPER-T and THE HORMONAL. The hormonal is also known as mirena. Both types stop sperm from meeting the eggs. The cooper lasts up to 10 years.

The hormonal method which works by slowly releasing progestin in to the uterus to prevent pregnancy, lasts up to 5yrs.On’es chance of getting pregnant will go back to normal as soon as the cooper or hormonal intrauterine contraceptive device has been taken out. The intrauterine contraceptive device’s failure rate is mininal at only 0.2% for the hormonal and 0.8% for cooper.


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