Pneumonia second biggest killer of children in Uganda

Pneumonia is the second biggest killer of children under the age of five in the Republic of Uganda after malaria according to the latest World Health Organisation (WHO) revelations.

In a bid to curb pneumonia spread in Uganda, WHO directs Ugandan doctors to treat Pneumonia and diarrhoea at ago. Diarrhea is one of the neglected diseases in Uganda yet it is the third most killer of children in Uganda.

Uganda’s director for malaria Consortium, Godfrey Magumba confirms that pheumonia and diarrhea is the largest killer diseases among chidren in Uganda.

He says that pneumonia is treatable if correctly diagnosed on time. Over 36,000 children die each year in Uganda from pneumonia and diarrhea. But less than 50% of children living with pneumonia get access to an appropriate medication.

Pneumonia is caused by pneumococcal bacteria. However pneumonia can be prevented by pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV 10). It is better to administer pneumonia vaccines alongside other childhood vaccines against tuberculosis, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B, influenza B and measles.


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