Youth Voices Grants – Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards: For the first time ever, Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards has partnered up with UNICEF to give YOU the opportunity to implement active change in YOUR community.
The Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards UNICEF Challenge is looking to provide three youth led projects with grants to support the implementation of innovative initiatives.
First prize receives $40,000. Second prize receives $30,000. Lastly, the audience award-winning project receives $20,000.
All Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards UNICEF Challenge prize funds must be used to support the implementation of the winning projects.
Show us your imagination, creativity, and innovation through the use of digital tools and social media. Produce a short video outlining your proposal for a new or existing initiative that will benefit other youth in your community.
This is your chance to make a difference in the world, report about it, and show the progress made to millions of people through the Adobe Youth Voices network, UNICEF’s global social media feeds, and the Voices of Youth community.
In addition to receiving financial funds for your project, the local experts will also provide support during the initial implementation process.
Youth Voices Grants Submissions Open To
- Youth ages 13-19 are eligible to participate by teaming up with adult educators who are from any school or youth organization worldwide. In order to submit media, all educators are welcome to register with Adobe Youth Voices Essentials at no cost.
- If you are an educator affiliated to Adobe Youth Voices through one our partner organizations please submit your media via the Adobe Youth Voices online community.
- The competition offers eight standard content categories representing various forms of visual storytelling. A ninth category – the Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards UNICEF Challenge – invites entrants to develop a video proposal for a project they would like to launch in their local community.
Youth Voices Grants Format for Submissions
- All media must be submitted online through Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards.
- For Videos: Files must be .MP4 following the Adobe Youth Voices program video encoding requirements
- For Photographs or Still images: Files must be JPEG
- For Graphic Design: Files must be JPEG
- A brief (100 word) artistic statement must be submitted. This statement should be about the work, explaining why it was made, who the intended audience is, how it was exhibited, and any other pertinent information.
- A photograph and biography of the youth media maker(s) must be submitted in order to complete the submission process. (Please Note: Photos and biography will be used on the Adobe
- Youth Voices Aspire Awards website if submission is chosen. If there is more than one youth media maker involved, please submit individual photos.)
- Videos that are not in English must have English subtitles.
All videos must have a total minimum running time of 1 minute and a total maximum running time of 10 minutes, including title and end credits. - Categories for submission include:
1. Video
- Animation
- Documentary
- Music Video
- Narrative
- Poetry/Experimental
- Collaboration
- UNICEF Challenge
2. Print
- Photo Collection/Digital Story/Photo Essay
- Poster/Collage/Campaign
For more information and application materials, please visit: Youth Voices Grants
Tanzania Scholarships: Scholarships for Tanzania students in information and communication technologies (ICT) and related areas.
The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) is currently inviting highly qualified graduate and undergraduate students to apply for its ICT scholarships.
The scholarship offers Tanzania students the opportunity to obtain degrees in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and related areas.
The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and interview to be conducted by the Scholarship Panel.
The graduate and undergraduate Scholarships are available in the field of information and communication technologies for applicants of Tanzania enrolled in accredited Institutions of higher learning in Tanzania.
Tanzania Scholarships Eligibility:
Applicants must be Tanzanian citizens.
A. Tanzania Scholarships – Undergraduate Students
1. The applicant must have completed Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination.
2. The applicant must be admitted or intending to be admitted in any ICT related degree programs in an accredited Institution of Higher Learning in Tanzania.
B. Tanzania Scholarships – Master Students
1. Have an honours upper second or higher undergraduate degree from recognized University.
2. The applicant must be admitted or intending to be admitted in any ICT related degree programs in an accredited Institution of Higher Learning in Tanzania..
Tanzania Scholarships – Application Deadline: 3rd August.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
The African Humanities Program: Through fellowship competitions, regional workshops, and peer networking, the African Humanities Fellowships Program provides support to the humanities in five African countries, including Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda.
The program is supported by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
The centerpiece of the program is the distribution of fellowships to African scholars in these countries for work on dissertations, research projects, and scholarly manuscripts.
The African Humanities Fellowship Program awards approximately 40 such fellowships every year.
In coordination with African scholars, ACLS hosts a series of annual meetings in the five African countries participating in the program.
These meetings provide opportunities for senior African scholars from a variety of disciplines to collaborate with ACLS representatives in the local design of programs, while giving younger scholars a means to learn about the application process and gain feedback on their project proposals.
Through the activities of the African Humanities Fellowship Program, ACLS promotes local and transnational cooperation among humanities scholars at all stages of their careers, working towards the development of a self-sustaining network of African humanities scholars.
The African Humanities Fellowship Program is inspired by a commitment to the humanities as a core component of higher education in Africa, essential to progress and development.
The African Humanities Program – Eligibility:
- Applicants must be citizens of an African country residing in, and having an institutional affiliation in, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, or Uganda.
- Funding is available for doctoral students who are writing their Ph.D. dissertations and postdoctoral scholars (already holding a Ph.D.) who are conducting scholarly research and writing.
- Projects must be in the humanities.
- Projects must be carried out in Africa
Follow the links below for more information and fellowship application materials.
Deadline: 1st December
The Kenya Youth Education Scholarship Fund is currently offering scholarships for in-service and pre-service training.
Applicants taking KNEC Diploma or Certificate in Early childhood Education (ECDE) will be fully sponsored (Tuition, Meals and Accommodation).
For January 2014 intake, eligible applicants include primary school teachers for in-service training course.
The programme has been designed to compliment Government efforts/initiatives towards improving and sustaining basic quality education in Kenya through development of human resource capacity that can deliver highly skilled and professional early childhood development and educational services.
The programme is being implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and TSC (Teachers Service Commission).
Kenya Youth Education Scholarship Fund Requirements
1. Sponsorship application form dully filled
2. Letter of Recommendation from DEO on behalf of DEB for the teachers currently in service.
3. Attachment of all copies of academic and professional certificates.
Please Note:
- Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
- Sponsorship selection committee decision is final
- Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification
- Available opportunities will be given on first come first served basis
- Selected beneficiaries will have to meet sponsorship requirements.
Follow the links below for more information and application details.
Application deadline – October 28th.
Application forms can be found at all TSC county director offices countrywide or at Foundation Institute of Africa Centre KPCU Building, Haille Sellasie Avenue, 5th Floor R&K Wing Te. 254 20 221 2508/9 or Cell 0713 403 793, 0734 176 940.
The Rex Collings Memorial Fund was set up in 1997 in honour of the former trustee of AET, the Rex Collins fund provides grants to support writing and publishing in Africa.
Over the past few years it has supported people on publishing courses in South Africa, the training of illustrators in Somaliland and the supply of reference books for text book writers in Southern Sudan.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
Contact Details: Africa Educational Trust, 38 King Street, London WC2E 8JR, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7836 5075 or +44 (0)20 7836 7940. Fax:+44 (0)20 7379 0090. Email: info[at]
For more information and application, visit; The Rex Collings Memorial Fund
More; Publishing and Writing Funds » Academic Grants » Funds in Africa
The Rex Collings Memorial Fund was set up in 1997 in honour of the former trustee of AET, the Rex Collins fund provides grants to support writing and publishing in Africa.
Over the past few years it has supported people on publishing courses in South Africa, the training of illustrators in Somaliland and the supply of reference books for text book writers in Southern Sudan.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
Contact Details: Africa Educational Trust, 38 King Street, London WC2E 8JR, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7836 5075 or +44 (0)20 7836 7940. Fax:+44 (0)20 7379 0090. Email: info[at]
For more information and application, visit; The Rex Collings Memorial Fund
More; Publishing and Writing Funds » Academic Grants » Funds in Africa
The University of Nairobi-IDRC Scholarships: The School of Computing and Informatics of the University of Nairobi, in partnership with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), is pleased to announce a call for Scholarships on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Development.
IDRC is a Canadian Crown corporation that works in close collaboration with researchers from the developing world in their search for the means to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies.
The School of Computing and Informatics takes its name from the core competencies that it seeks to nurture: Computing, to cover the theory and science of computation and Informatics to exemplify the practical outworking of this theory in technology and application
These scholarships seek to help build the capacity of graduate students in sub-Saharan Africa to carry out studies and research on different aspects of ICTs and development that correspond to regional needs and the priorities of IDRC’s Acacia program.
Four full-study Master’s scholarships and eight doctoral research awards will be awarded to students registered in universities within Eastern and Southern Africa.
The main objective of the proposed project is to:
- Enable registered students in universities within the Eastern and Southern Africa countries to carry out research on different aspects of ICTs and development.
- Specifically, this project seeks to obtain a grant to enable registered Masters students to carry out research in ICTs and development in universities in the ESARO region.
- The grant will sponsor Masters students and enable registered Ph.D. students who do not have any funding for their field work to carry out their field work.
Deadline: 30th November
For more information and application, visit: The University of Nairobi-IDRC Scholarships Website
More: Scholarships for Developing Countries » Research Scholarships » International Scholarships
TRECCAfrica Scholarships for Africans: The TRECCAfrica is funding Postgraduate scholarships to students and staff from various African countries to study at one of the consortium partners. There are seven full-degree Master’s positions, 15 Master’s exchanges and seven PhD exchange positions available. The scholarships cover travel costs, tuition fees and a living allowance for a period of up to 10 months and PhD exchanges will be for a period of up to 12 months.
TRECCAfrica programmes range across disciplines such as sustainable development, environmental management, renewable energy, food science and technology, natural resource assessment, climate and society, biotechnology, agro-ecology, soil physics, microbiology and veterinary medicine.
The programme awards scholarships to postgraduate students and staff from various African countries to study at one of the consortium partners.
The academic institutions at which the TRECCAfrica scholarships are tenable are the universities of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Ghana, Mekelle (Ethiopia), Nairobi (Kenya), Nigeria and Stellenbosch (South Africa).
TRECCAfrica Scholarships for Africans Eligibility
To be eligible for the Scholarship, masters and doctoral students must:
- Must be a national and/ or resident of any of the eligible countries
- Target group 1 students must be registered or admitted to one of the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) comprising the consortium at the time of application for the scholarship. Eligible students must therefore be registered/ admitted at the University of Ghana, Mekelle University, the University of Dar-es-Salaam, the University of Nairobi, Stellenbosch University and the University of Nigeria (Nsukka).
- Target group 2 students must be registered or admitted at a Higher Education Institution in one of the eligible countries identified in the Intra-ACP call.
- Students are also required to have sufficient knowledge of the language in which courses are offered at the host HEI.
For staff to be eligible for TreccAfrica scholarships, they need to comply with the following criteria:
- Be a national or resident of the countries covered by the scholarship
- Work at or be associated with a Higher Education Institution
- The assignment of mobility of a staff member must be based on the agreement between partner institutions.
- There must be an agreement between the home and host HEI regarding the modules to be taught by the visiting lecturer, the type of research to be conducted, the type of training to be followed or the administrative tasks to be undertaken.
- Staff mobility may take the form of a direct post-to-post exchange or a one way flow of mobility to or from an eligible country.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries:
Target Group 1: Nationals and/or residents of Tanzania, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa.
Target Group 2: Nationals and/or residents of other African countries not represented by the TreccAfrica consortium.
TRECCAfrica Scholarships for Africans – Number of Awards
There are seven full-degree Master’s positions, 15 Master’s exchanges and seven PhD exchange positions available for study at the TRECCAfrica partner universities.
Master’s exchanges will be for a period of up to 10 months and PhD exchanges will be for a period of up to 12 months.
The scholarships include travel costs, tuition fees and a living allowance of €600 per month for Master’s students and €900 per month for PhD students.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for all applications is 30 September.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
For more scholarship information and application materials, see: TRECCAfrica Scholarships for Africans
More: Scholarships for Africans » Postgraduate Scholarships for Students » University Grants
Toyota Foundation Scholarships: Toyota Kenya Foundation seeks to provide opportunities for Kenyan children from disadvantaged families pursue either basic and/or high school education.
Eligibility is limited to orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs); college education in the fields of medicine, engineering, environmental management & agriculture as well as Kenyan children from disadvantaged families who have passed the basic education and high school but are not able to raise fees for higher education.
This is in line with Toyota’s corporate vision of contributing to the creation of prosperous societies around the world.
In addition, one needs to have attained a minimum grade of C+ in KCSE and be in their second year of study.
If you have the requisite qualifications, send copies of your certificates and a handwritten cover letter to the principal of your respective college by 30th September.
Colleges where students have been awarded scholarships recently include:
- Kenya Medical Training Centre Mombasa
- Kenya Medical Training Centre Nairobi
- Kenya Medical Training Centre Kisumu
- Murang’a College of Technology
- Kiambu Institute of Technology.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
If you have the requisite qualifications, send copies of your certificates and a handwritten cover letter to the principal of your respective college.
TWAS Fellowships in Kenya: The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Nairobi, Kenya, and TWAS offer one fellowship per year to visiting scholars from developing countries (other than Kenya) who wish to pursue advanced research in natural sciences.
TWAS Fellowships in Kenya – Programme Details
- TWAS-icipe Visiting Scholar Fellowships in natural sciences are tenable for a minimum period of one month to a maximum period of three months at the departments of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) in Kenya.
- Eligible icipe departments: Fellowships are tenable at icipe in the Programmes of Animal Health, Human Health, Plant Health, Environmental Health, in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, in the Department of Behavioural and Chemical Ecology, in the Department of Entomology, and at the field station of Mbita, Lake Victoria, Kenya.
- icipe will provide a standard monthly allowance which should be used to cover living costs, such as accommodation, food and health insurance.
- The monthly stipend will not be convertible into foreign currency.
- The language of instruction is English.
TWAS Fellowships in Kenya – Eligibility
Applicants for these Fellowships must meet the following criteria:
- Be a maximum of 55 years on 31 December of the application year;
- Be nationals of a developing country (other than Kenya);
- Must not hold any visa for temporary or permanent residency in Kenya or any developed country;
- Hold a PhD degree and a regular research assignment with at least five years of postdoctoral research experience;
- Be regularly employed in a developing country (other than the host country);
- Be accepted at an icipe department and provide an official acceptance letter from the head of the department (see sample Acceptance Letter) to this effect. Requests for acceptance must be directed to Lillian Igweta (see contact details below);
- Provide evidence of proficiency in English.
TWAS Fellowships in Kenya – Submitting your application
- The deadline for receipt of applications is 15 September of each year.
- Applicants should submit the acceptance letter from the chosen department to TWAS when applying or by the deadline at the latest. Without preliminary acceptance, the application will not be considered for selection.
- Reference letters: Referees must send signed letters as attachments via e-mail directly to TWAS only. The subject line must contain: icipe/VS/candidate’s surname. Alternatively, letters should be sent by post in sealed envelopes.
- Applicants to the TWAS-icipe Visiting Scholar Fellowship Programme should send their application to TWAS only.
- Applicants should be aware that they can apply for only one fellowship per year. With the exception of the fellowships “for research collaboration”, all other fellowship programmes offered by TWAS and TWOWS that are mutually exclusive.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
For more scholarship information and application, see:TWAS Fellowships in Kenya
Bangkok School of Management(BSM) Business Degree program is the main reason people decide to study at BSM.
2+1 means exactly what it says: You will begin your degree at BSM’s training facilities in Bangkok, and spend two years with us.
Then, for the final year of your degree, you will study with the university of your choice, from a list of leading universities across the USA, United Kingdom, Europe and Asia.
Even if you want to stay in Thailand for the final year of your degree, you still have the option to complete your degree with a western university via distance learning, if that is what you prefer.
Successful business leaders and entrepreneurs often speak of their time as a student as being the most memorable time of their life.
At the same time, many also express regret that they did not make more use of their carefree days, prior to accepting the larger responsibilities of life in the business world.
A gap year abroad is a great way to ensure a memorable experience before graduating, but this would hardly be a productive use of your time.
The 2+1 Business Degree program offers you the opportunity to do both at the same time; improving yourself academically and socially while taking in the wonder and intrigue of Asian lifestyle, without sacrificing the end result: A Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Marketing, International Business or SME Management from a globally recognized university of your choice!
Where to begin?
Visit the website for more information.
Further information can also be found in the detailed Prospectus.
Uganda Scholarship – Masters Scholarships for Ugandans: The University of Westminster, UK, invites Ugandan students to apply for the master’s scholarship for Ugandan citizens.
The scholarship is offered in collaboration with Bright Futures Charity and is aimed at students who have experienced great hardship in the troubled areas of Uganda, with special emphasis on the Northern areas of the country.
Uganda Scholarship: Worth of Award
- Full tuition fee waiver
- Accommodation and living expenses
- Flight fees to and from London
Scholarships for Ugandans Eligibility
- This is a closed scholarship in conjunction with the Bright Futures Charity.
- Applicants must be from Uganda.
- Applicants with financial needs are also considered.
Scholarships for Ugandans – How to Apply
You must first apply for admission before applying for the scholarship.
Admission can easily be submitted through the links on the university website – see links below.
For more information and scholarship applications, see: Uganda Scholarship – Masters Scholarships for Ugandans
Undergraduate Laws scholarships: The University of London International Programmes is awarding scholarships to study law at an undergraduate level in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda.
Diploma in Law scholarships: Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria
Ten scholarships to study for a Diploma in Law are available for students in Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria.
The scholarships cover all registration and examination fees charged by the University of London.
However, as it is compulsory to study the Diploma at a recognised teaching centre, you may have to pay fees to the centre.
How to Apply for Undergraduate Laws scholarships
To apply for the scholarships, you will need to contact one of the below teaching institutions and complete an application test.
- Ghana: Zenith University College
- Kenya: Lord Diplock’s Learning Centre
- Nigeria: Centre for Law and Business
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) scholarships: Tanzania and Uganda
Five LLB scholarships are available for students in Tanzania and Uganda. The scholarships cover all registration and examination fees charged by the University of London.
Applications for both the LLB and Diploma in Law scholarships close on 1 July
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
For more scholarship information, contact details and application materials, see; Undergraduate Law Scholarships – Africa (African Scholarship Application Form)
More: Scholarship Grants » Undergraduate Scholarships » Africa Scholarships
The University of East Anglia Africa PhD Scholarship is open to African-born graduate students who wish to pursue doctoral studies at UEA and will pay up to £30,000 towards the cost of their tuition fees.
PhD Africa Scholarships – Eligibility
- There shall be a Scholarship awarded every three years, commencing in the academic session 2013-14, the University’s 50th anniversary year, to be known as the University of East Anglia Africa PhD Scholarship. The final Scholarship will be awarded in the academic session 2022-23.
- The purpose of the Scholarship is to provide African-born graduate students with the opportunity to pursue doctoral studies at the University.
- African-born students who have already been offered a place to study at the University of East Anglia will be eligible to apply for the Scholarship.
- The deadline for applicants will be 1 June each year in respect of those proposing to commence the first year of a PhD degree starting in the next academic year at the University of East Anglia.
- The Scholarship will be awarded on a competitive basis and will take effect on the registration of the successful applicant with the University.
- One new Scholarship will be awarded every three years and will continue for a maximum of three years, subject to confirmation of the satisfactory progress of the recipient on an annual basis by the student’s main supervisor.
- The value of the first Scholarship shall be £30,000, which shall be payable in instalments of £10,000 per year as a tuition fee reduction. The funds available for the Scholarships shall be reviewed every three years.
- Details of the Scholarship will be publicised to all eligible students with appropriate information on selection criteria, application timescales and value of award. Awards will be made on the basis of academic excellence.
- The Scholarship will be awarded by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of a Selection Committee comprising the Academic Director of Postgraduate Research Programmes, an Associate Dean of Postgraduate Research Programmes and a Senior International Officer.
- If, in any year, two candidates are judged to be of sufficient and equal merit, the Scholarship may be divided. There shall be a maximum of two winners in any one year.
- If, in any year, no candidate is judged to be of sufficient merit, the Scholarship shall not be awarded and the payment will roll forward to the following year.
- Recipients will be known as University of East Anglia Africa Scholars and the winning candidate(s) shall be required to attend at least one event for publicity purposes.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
For more information and scholarship application, visit: University of East Anglia Africa PhD Scholarship
More: PhD Africa Scholarships » PhD University Grants » PhD International Scholarships
USA Scholarships for Africans: The Arizona State University (ASU) Foundation for a New American University and The MasterCard Foundation are pleased to announce the availability of The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at ASU.
This prestigious scholarship recognizes international students from Sub-Saharan Africa who come from the lowest socioeconomic background and show outstanding academic and leadership abilities.
Those considered for this program demonstrate high academic achievement, exceptional records of service and activity in their schools and communities, and a commitment to return to Africa after their studies to make an impact on social and economic change in their home countries.
Scholarship for Africans in USA – Scholarship Amount
The Scholars program provides financial assistance equivalent to the costs related to the attainment of a bachelor’s degree, which must be obtained within eight semesters, or four academic years.
The scholarship includes travel, tuition, housing, food, living expenses, internship experience in Sub-Saharan Africa, and cohort signature programs, such as a freshman retreat in northern Arizona, a Broadway show at Gammage Auditorium and a senior retreat. Students also are eligible to take up to nine credit hours of summer school courses.
Scholarships for Africans in USA – Scholarship Benefits
In addition to financial support, students are provided with a comprehensive support network that includes an array of mentoring and cultural transition services to ensure each student’s academic success, community engagement, and transition to employment opportunities that will further social and economic change in Africa.
Scholarships for Africans in USA – Scholarship Criteria
- First-time freshman seeking a bachelor’s degree
- Citizen of a Sub-Saharan African country
- Currently living in Sub-Saharan Africa
USA Scholarships for Africans – Selection Criteria
- Academic achievement and potential
- Demonstration of service and leadership in school or community
- Motivation and commitment to return to Sub-Saharan Africa after graduation and give back
- Verification of disadvantaged socio-economic status
USA Scholarships for Africans – Application Procedure
1. By Jan. 15, ASU international undergraduate admissions must receive the application for admission to Arizona State University and all supporting materials required – see links below. A complete application includes:
- Three consecutive years of certified academic records,
- Certified national exam results (if applicable in your country)
- TOEFL scores (depending on country of secondary school)
Please send the required documents to ASU international undergraduate admission using the address line “ATTN: MasterCard Fdn Scholars.” Addresses and additional information are available at the links below. Include a certified English translation of all documents not written in English.
The application fee will be waived for MasterCard Foundation Scholars. When starting your application, select “Pay Later with Check or Money Order.”
If you are required to take the TOEFL, we strongly encourage you to take the exam by Dec. 1, to ensure an on-time submission of materials for admission to ASU.
2. By Jan. 15, The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at ASU must receive a completed online application, which includes:
- Student information and daily activities
- Five essays
- Financial information related to the household income and expenses
- References’ names and contact information
Only accepted ASU students will be reviewed for this program. Students must submit the online ASU admissions application to access the online application for the program at ASU.
3. The selection committee will determine semi-finalists by Feb. 15. If a student is selected as a semi-finalist, a letter of recommendation will be required. Reference forms will be sent to semi-finalists when they are notified.
4. Recommendation forms must be submitted to The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at ASU no later than March 7.
5. The selection committee will determine finalists by March 28.
6. All other candidates will be notified by April 7.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts – USA Scholarships for Africans.
Please contact the program at mcfscholarship [at] if you have further questions. For more scholarship information and application, see; USA Scholarships for Africans
More; Scholarships for Africa » International Scholarships in USA » Scholarships for African Students
USIU Undergraduate Scholarships for Kenya Students: Over the last 40 years, USIU has provided financial assistant to numerous students.
New scholarships are now being offered to Kenyan citizens interested in undergraduate studies in international Relations, Journalism and psychology, Business Administration, Accounting, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Information Systems and Technology.
Scholarships are also on offer for International Business Administration, Tourism Management and Criminology Justice and graduate studies in Counseling Psychology and International Relations effective September.
Full USIU Scholarship for the Bachelor’s Degree
No. of scholarships: 2
The scholarships cover the cost of tuition, room and board, books and computer lab fees beginning Fall Semester (September). Recipients must meet other expenses such as Medical and Student Affairs Council (SAC) fees.
Requirements: B+ and above in KCSE and demonstrate academic and leadership achievements and must be financially needy.
Scholarships for the Physically Challenged
No. of scholarships: 2
The Scholarships are academic merit based and cover full tuition costs effective Fall Semester (September)
Requirements: C+ and above in KCSE
Scholarships for the Underrepresented Communities
No. of scholarships: 2
Scholarships are for the underrepresented and underprivileged bright students from Arid and Semi Arid Regions of Kenya (ASAL) and one similar scholarship for applicants from the Informal settlements in the neighborhood of USIU and cover full tuition only.
Requirements: C+ and above in KCSE
Partial Scholarships
The partial scholarships are for female students only. Call for the scholarship applications is made in the spring of every semester. They are processed in the following semester and awarded in fall of every year.
This scholarships covers tuition only.
Applicants must:
- Have sat the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations (KCSE) not more than one year prior to the award.
- Have attained a mean grade of B or better, with at least a C+ in English and Mathematics in KCSE.
- Maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 and above to remain eligible.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
Application forms and the lists of accompanying required documents are available at: USIU Undergraduate Scholarships for Kenya Students
WAN-IFRA Fellowship for African Women Journalists: The World Association of Newspaper and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) is pleased to invite commercial and editorial media women in Botswana, Namibia and Zambia to apply to participate in the Women In News (WIN) programme.
WIN is a leadership development programme aiming to contribute to the advancement and empowerment of women in African media, simultaneously enhancing and promoting the development of financially viable and editorially strong media enterprises in emerging markets on the continent.
WIN equips women media professionals in middle management positions with the strategies, skills and support networks they need to advance their careers toward upper management levels.
The WIN programme is comprised of four nation-wide events held in participating countries’ national capitals and culminates with a programme-wide WIN Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa at the year’s end.
Included in these events are one-on-one coaching sessions with professional and experienced national and international coaches, working with participants to build personal and realistic professional action plans; mentoring with experiences business professionals and peers; and skills development and training modules focusing on topics identified by participants as being instrumental in their professional development.
Fellowship Eligibility
WIN is open to women working for a minimum of two years in middle management positions for newspapers in Botswana, Namibia and Zambia. Successful applicants will already have a certain degree of leadership responsibility in their current positions, have room for growth and aspire to progress within the newspaper industry.
The programme will welcome women from all departments of media houses in each of the three countries (i.e. editorial departments, as well as administration, human resources, accounting, marketing etc.).
Fifteen women will be selected to participate, divided equally among the three participating countries.
Applications from women not employed by a newspaper (e.g. those working freelance) will be considered secondary to applicants meeting the outlined requirements.
Applications are considered on an individual basis and employment in line with the above-listed criteria does not guarantee admission to the WIN programme.
Fellowship Application Instructions
Interested applicants should submit a completed Application form, outlining their motivation for applying to the programme and how they could benefit from WIN to Catharine Fulton, WIN’s Project Manager, at cafulton [at]
Fellowship Application Deadline: February 22
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
For more information and scholarship applications, see: WAN-IFRA Fellowship for African Women Journalists
WARC Travel Grant: The West African Research Center (WARC) in Dakar, Senegal offers travel costs up to $1500 and a stipend of $1500 to West African scholars and graduate students.
Travel grant funds may be used to:
1) Attend and present papers at academic conferences relevant to the applicant’s field of research;
2) Travel costs up to $1500 and a stipend of $1500 visit libraries or archives that contain resources necessary to the applicant’s current academic work;
3) Travel to a research site.
Applications will consist of the following:
- A brief (50-80 word) abstract of the activity to be funded
- A description (6 double-spaced pages maximum) of the applicant’s research and how the proposed travel is relevant to this work
- A curriculum vitae with research and teaching record when relevant
- An abstract of the paper to be read and a letter of acceptance to the conference (for those wishing to attend meetings)
- A description of the collections to be consulted and their significance to the applicant’s research (for those wishing to travel to libraries or archives)
- Proof of citizenship in the form of a photocopy of the applicant’s passport
- For graduate students, a letter of recommendation by the professor overseeing their research
- A WARA grant application cover sheet
Complete applications will consist of one original and one copy of all materials (2 sets total).
Travel Grants Application Deadlines
- March 15 for travel to take place between July 1 and Dec. 31.
- September 15 for travel to take place between Jan. 1 and June 30.
Follow the links below for more information and travel grant application contacts.
Inquiries may be addressed to:
West African Research Center/Centre de Recherche Ouest Africaine
B.P. 5456 (Fann Residence)
Rue E x Léon G. Damas
Dakar , Senegal
Tel: 221-865-22-77; Fax: 221-824-20-58;
Email: warc_croa [at]
Wells Mountain Foundation Scholarships: The purpose of the Foundation is primarily to support programs and individuals in developing nations or other situations of extreme poverty.
Each year the Foundation’s Empowerment Through Education program provides support to a number of students as they pursue various educational objectives.
Support is provided for post-secondary school (college, university, polytechnic, trade school). Support is not provided for graduate degrees or study in the US, UK or other developed countries.
Financial support is primarily to cover the costs of the education itself and directly related expenses including books and supplies.
Scholarships are generally granted for the full period of study, however, recipients must maintain good grades and provide copies of all semester reports and grades as they are received.
The scholarship can be discontinued at any time in the event of unsatisfactory performance.
The scholarship awards are determined by the Scholarship Committee of the Board of Directors of the Wells Mountain Foundation and awarded once a year.
The foundation does not require the applicant to pay an admission or processing fee or to buy a number to have the application reviewed.
Scholarship Eligibility
An ideal candidate is a student, male or female, from a country in the developing world, who:
- Successfully completed a secondary education, with good to excellent grades.
- Will be studying in their country or another country in the developing world.
- Plans to live and work in their own country after they graduate.
- Has volunteered prior to applying for this scholarship and/or is willing to volunteer while receiving the WMF scholarship.
- May have some other funds available for their education, but will not be able to go to school without a scholarship.
- Submits a complete, legible application in English (please proof-read). Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Scholarships Cover
Scholarships range from $300.US to a rare high of $3000.US and cover
- Tuition and fees.
- Books and materials.
- Room rent and meals.
Scholarships do not Cover
- Education at a college, polytechnic or university in the United States, UK, Australia, or Europe (with one exception – Bergen Community College in Paramus, NJ, USA – foreign students in that college can apply).
- Masters or Doctorate degrees. A medical degree, however, is acceptable.
- Laptop computers, conferences or trips.
- Debts or past due tuition bills.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
For more scholarship information and application materials, visit: Wells Mountain Foundation Scholarships
More: Academic Scholarships » Education Scholarships » Undergraduate Scholarships
Women Scholarships for Developing Countries: The International Peace Research Association Foundation invites applications for the Dorothy Marchus Senesh Fellowship in Peace and Development Studies for Third World Women.
Dorothy Senesh was a long-time activist for international peace and justice. Her husband Lawrence established this fellowship following her death in 1989.
The first award was made at the IPRA 25th Anniversary meeting, July 1990, in Groningen, Netherlands and has been made biennially since.
The fund provides a biennial fellowship awarded to a woman from the developing world for studies in fields of peace and development.
Third World Women Scholarships: Award Amount
Every other year (beginning in 1990) one woman receives school expenses in the amount of $5,000 per year for two years.
Women Scholarships for Developing Countries: Fellowship Application Eligibility
- The Dorothy Senesh Fellowship is available to women from the Third World who have completed a Bachelor’s degree, who have been accepted into a graduate program and whose graduate work is to be focused on issues related to the goals of IPRA.
- Funds will only be dispersed when the selected candidate is admitted into a graduate program.
- Awards are considered based on need; therefore students with substantial funding sources are less likely to be considered for the award.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
Scholarships for women in developing countries: application deadline January 15.
For more information and application materials,see: Women Scholarships for Developing Countries – Senesh Fellowsips
World Bank Africa Fellowships: The Africa Region of the World Bank Group is launching the World Bank Group Fellowship Program for Ph.D. students of African descent.
The program will increase the diverse workforce that is a priority for the Bank and its clients.
The Fellowship Program aims to build a pipeline of researchers and professionals from the African Diaspora, particularly women, who are interested in working in the development field at home or abroad, and in starting careers with the World Bank Group.
“The Fellowship Program represents an incredible opportunity not only for young African scholars to conduct research and develop their careers in development, but also for the World Bank Group to learn from their experiences and fresh insight, as well as absorb the tremendous energy young people can contribute to our work and mission,” said Sean McGrath, Vice President for Human Resources at the World Bank Group.
World Bank Africa Fellowships – About the Africa Fellowship
Fellows will spend a minimum of six months at the World Bank in Washington, D.C. getting hands-on experience in development work.
This includes knowledge generation and dissemination, design of global and country policies and the building of institutions to achieve inclusive growth in developing countries.
While benefitting from research and innovation in multiple sectors, Fellows will also work on economic policy, technical assistance, and lending for eliminating poverty and increasing shared prosperity.
Special attention will be given to work with Fragile and Conflict-Affected States.
Fellows will be expected to complete a research project and prepare a research paper to present to staff. High-standard papers may be published internally.
Specifically, selected participants will:
- Gain a better understanding of the World Bank Group’s mission and operations
- Access quality data for their research work
- Interact with seasoned experts in their field of development
- Contribute to the World Bank Group’s mission
Africa Fellowship – Who Should Apply?
Doctoral students of African descent within one or two years of completing a Ph.D. program in the following fields: Economics, Demography, Applied Statistics and Econometrics, Impact Evaluation, Education, Health, Energy, Agriculture, and Infrastructure.
World Bank Africa Fellowships – Candidates Must:
- Be enrolled in an academic institution and returning to university after the fellowship
- Be 32 years of age or below
- Have an excellent command of English, both written and verbal
- Possess strong quantitative and analytical skills
Africa Fellowships – Selection Process
After submitting an application online, the most promising candidates will be identified and their application packages forwarded to World Bank Africa Region managers and participating departments for consideration. Departments and managers will then indicate their preferences, as well as the project to be undertaken.
Selected candidates will then be notified and, upon acceptance, will be hired as short-term consultants for a minimum of six months. Fellows will receive consultant fees, round-trip economy class air travel to Washington, D.C. from their university, and worker’s compensation insurance.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
For more information and application materials, see: World Bank Africa Fellowships