Many people do not get enough sleep and when they do, it is often interrupted or punctuated by constant tossing and turning. A lack of adequate sleep can affect judgment, mood, and ability to learn and retain information and may increase the risk of serious accidents and injury.
Lack of enough sleep can also cause health problems like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and to some extent it can cause early mortality.
In this news article, we give to you 5 ways you can get a better sleep: Wind Down … transition from your busy, hectic day at least for an hour before bed so that you are not up half the night.
Take bath or shower, listen to scriptures or listen to soft music. Exercise in the morning and evening. Physical activity has plentiful health benefits but if you work out before bed, it can make sleep difficult.
On the other hand exercising first thing in the morning will make sleeping at night quiet easier because your body will be fatigued.
Shut the fridge…put tape around the fridge after dinner and you will likely get better sleep because your inability to pursue late-nights eating[cheating] will let your body relax and doze off.