USIU Undergraduate Scholarships for Kenya Students: Over the last 40 years, USIU has provided financial assistant to numerous students.
New scholarships are now being offered to Kenyan citizens interested in undergraduate studies in international Relations, Journalism and psychology, Business Administration, Accounting, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Information Systems and Technology.
Scholarships are also on offer for International Business Administration, Tourism Management and Criminology Justice and graduate studies in Counseling Psychology and International Relations effective September.
Full USIU Scholarship for the Bachelor’s Degree
No. of scholarships: 2
The scholarships cover the cost of tuition, room and board, books and computer lab fees beginning Fall Semester (September). Recipients must meet other expenses such as Medical and Student Affairs Council (SAC) fees.
Requirements: B+ and above in KCSE and demonstrate academic and leadership achievements and must be financially needy.
Scholarships for the Physically Challenged
No. of scholarships: 2
The Scholarships are academic merit based and cover full tuition costs effective Fall Semester (September)
Requirements: C+ and above in KCSE
Scholarships for the Underrepresented Communities
No. of scholarships: 2
Scholarships are for the underrepresented and underprivileged bright students from Arid and Semi Arid Regions of Kenya (ASAL) and one similar scholarship for applicants from the Informal settlements in the neighborhood of USIU and cover full tuition only.
Requirements: C+ and above in KCSE
Partial Scholarships
The partial scholarships are for female students only. Call for the scholarship applications is made in the spring of every semester. They are processed in the following semester and awarded in fall of every year.
This scholarships covers tuition only.
Applicants must:
- Have sat the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations (KCSE) not more than one year prior to the award.
- Have attained a mean grade of B or better, with at least a C+ in English and Mathematics in KCSE.
- Maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 and above to remain eligible.
Application forms and the lists of accompanying required documents are available at: USIU Undergraduate Scholarships for Kenya Students