The Women’s Trust identifies girls who are very bright but very poor and pay for their education in Ghana. Guaranteed Senior Secondary School Scholarships are currently being offered in Pokuase, Ghana.
Education costs, school uniforms, textbooks and learning materials, as well as school fees and any taxes that may be levied during the year for building projects or special programs are covered.
The Trust’s pilot program has expanded in three years to include three of Pokuase’s ten primary/junior secondary schools and the three senior secondary schools that serve the Pokuase area.
Women’s Trust currently supports 63 of Pokuase’s brightest, poor young women including 21 senior secondary students who would otherwise not have the opportunity for an education at this level.
Women’s Trust scholarship program has very clear guidelines that hold their students accountable.
Girls must maintain a 2.5 grade point average or lose the Trust’s support.
To ensure that truly gifted girls are able to begin senior secondary school with the knowledge that their four-year tuition and expenses are guaranteed and that the welfare of their immediate families will not be jeopardized, the Women’s Trust is implementing a program that will allow donors to fund a girl’s tuition and expenses for four years at $250/year with compensation to her family at $50 year.
For additional information contact: Susan Kraeger, Executive Director, WomensTrust, Inc. P.O Box 15. Wilmot, NH 03287. 603 526-4366. Email: skraeger [at]