If you are infected with hepatitis B, try to take steps to protect others from contracting the virus. For instance, take precautions to make sex safer. Doctors tell us that the only way to protect your sexual partner or partners from your hepatitis B infection is to avoid sexual contact.
If you choose to have sex, talk to your partners about the risk of transmitting HBV. Use a latex condom every time you have sexual contact.
But remember that while condoms may reduce the risk of spreading HBV, they don’t eliminate the risk completely. Tell your sexual partner(s) you have HBV. Let anyone with whom you have had sex with know that you have HBV.
Your partners need to be tested and receive medical treatment if they have the virus. They also need to know their HBV status so that they don’t infect others. Don’t share needles or syringes. If you use IV drugs, never share your needles and syringes with anyone.
Don’t donate blood or organs. Donating infected blood or organs spreads the virus. Don’t share razor blades or toothbrushes. These items may carry traces of infected blood.
• If you’re pregnant, tell your doctor you have HBV. That way, your baby can be treated immediately after child birth…