Apply for Doha climate change conference

Adopt a Negotiator (AaN) is a project of the Global Campaign for Climate Action, an alliance of more than 350 non-profit organizations working to ensure a safe climate future for people and nature, to promote the low-carbon transition of our economies, and to accelerate the adaptation efforts in communities already affected by climate change by mobilizing civil society and galvanizing public.

AaN got its start with a group of passionate young climate activists publicly tracking their country’s climate negotiators during the lead-up to the Copenhagen Climate Talks (COP15) in 2009.

The project has since continued to support activists in publicly tracking their government’s roles in international efforts to respond to climate change.

The Adopt a Negotiator project is awarding fellowships to exceptional young people who possess the ability to effectively push their country toward unlocking climate solutions nationally and internationally.

The Fellows will have an opportunity to help shape their government’s role in solving climate change.

They will be part of a team of passionate, dedicated and talented activists from around the world; participating in a moment that will shape if and how the world responds.

Their efforts will build on a proud legacy of past ‘Negotiator Trackers’, and contribute to the climate movement in a creative, challenging and exciting role.

Applicants must be 18 to 30 years of age; be able to attend the Doha Climate Change Conference from November 23rd to December 9th; and able to actively contribute to the Adopt a Negotiator project as an activist and blogger from August to December of this year.

Applicants will need to be:

  • Aged between 18 and 30;
  • Be able to attend fully the COP18 in Qatar (from November 23rd to December 8th 2012);
  • Be able to commit a few hours per week to prepare for the delegation in the coming months and act already as a negotiation tracker.

Fellows will be provided with:

  • The opportunity to play a specific role to promote progressive climate policies in your country;
  • The chance to be part of a team with many other amazing young activists/bloggers;
  • All support needed from our team and partner during the coming months (networking, capacity building);
  • Transportation to Doha, accommodation and a generous per diem during the Doha Climate Change Conference

For more information and application, see; Climate Change Conference Fellowships

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