Postgraduate diplomas for developing countries

Duration: One academic year for postgraduate diplomas. For training programmes, between 2 and 3 months.

Scholarship Application conditions:

In order to be eligible, applicants must:

  • be nationals from a developing country. To be eligible, the applicant’s usual place of residence must be in a developing country,
  • be under 40 years old for study programmes, and under 45 years old for training programmes, on the date study or training is started,
  • have a diploma comparable to a university degree from a Belgian university.
  • provide evidence of a professional occupation in a developing country held for at least two years after completion of a university degree or for three years after completion of their studies when applicants have a postgraduate diploma awarded by a university in an industrialised country,
  • have good knowledge of written and spoken French; for training organised in another language, applicants must have good written and spoken knowledge of the language used. Applicants will also be asked to commit to learning French so that they can participate in daily life in Belgium,
  • apply for a single training/study programme.

Application deadline: 1st of March of the preceding year.

Contacts: Maryvonne Aubry, Coopération Universitaire pour le Développement, Rue de Namur, 72/74 – B-1000 Brussels, Belgium. Tel.: + 32 2 289.65.63. Fax: + 32 2 289.65.66. E-mail: aubry.cud [at]

For further details, and application materials, contact: Centre Universitaire au Développement Scholarships Website

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