Police have got new clues of the causes of fire at Nakivubo Parkyard market that on Wednesday left traders and suppliers in loss of billions of shillings. Park Yard market, which is adjucent to Owino Market deals in mostly second hand items from Europe such as clothes, shoes, and electronic gadgets among others.
The traders have told police that some elements in government, Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and Nakivubo Stadium burn their market in a ploy to evict them from park yard markt.
The traders allege that Nakivubo Stadium is part of the people who burn their market since it has constructed a shopping mall directly facing Park yard market. The stadium management wants to use park yard land as parking yard for customers for the shopping mall it has constructed.
Other traders claim that some officials in government like Amama Mbabazi who reportedly colluded with KCCA to construct USAFI market could be behind the inferno.
They say that KCCA and Mbabazi were behind the fire so that the affected vendors and traders may occupy stalls in their recently constructed Usafi Market which has failed to attract vendors due to its poor location.
The traders told police that it should be fair and touch on people witch-hunting their businesses at Park Yard Market. It is a habbit by many rich people and organisations in Uganda to burn properties of people occupying the land they are interested in.
But the Inspector General of Police, Gen Kale Kayihura says the police force in Kampala is still investigating the real cause of the fire.