Apply for research on ecosystem and boidiversity.

MAB provides 10 young researchers each year with awards up to $5,000 in support of their research on ecosystems, natural resources and biodiversity.

The MAB Young Scientists Awards targets young researchers carrying-out interdisciplinary research in line with UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme.

Priority is given to projects carried-out in biosphere reserves, on the theme of ecosystems and water.


  • To assist exchange of information and experience among a new generation of scientists.
  • To encourage young scientists, in particular those from developing countries, to use UNESCO Man and the Biosphere research, project sites and biosphere reserves in their research.
  • To encourage young scientists to undertake comparative studies with other sites, in or outside their country.

Criteria used in the selection of the Young Scientists Award:

  • Applicants may not be older than 40 years of age
  • Priority is given to research carried-out in biosphere reserves on the theme of ecosystems and water
  • Applicants from developed countries are eligible for Award only in exceptional cases
  • Awards are set at a maximum of US $5,000 each
  • International travel expenditures are usually not covered under this Award
  • Research supported by an Award should be completed within 2 years
  • Candidates must submit their research report to the MAB National Committee for approval before submission to the Secretariat in Paris
  • Candidates agree to the possibility of UNESCO publishing the results of their research.

Contact Details: mab.awards [at]

Apply by February

For further details and application materials, see: UNESCO MAB Young Scientists Awards Website

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