Opportunity for women students to study in American higher insyitution.

The ALPHA DELTA KAPPA Scholarships are for women only.

The scholarships amount is $10,000 to foreign education students to study at an American institution of higher learning.

Recipients may apply for scholarship for an additional year.

Through the program, scholarships may be offered to foreign women students interested in learning American educational techniques.

Scholarship Eligibility: Recipients must be single women with no dependants and must maintain such status throughout the scholarship period.

They must be at least 20 years of age and no more than 35 at the time of the application deadline of year study is to begin, and be a non-U.S citizen living outside of the U.S and retain such status throughout the duration of the scholarship.

Completed applications must be received by Alpha Delta Kappa International Headquarters on or before January 1.

For more detailed guidelines and application deadlines, contact: Alpha Delta Kappa, 1615 West 92nd Street, Kansas City, MO 64114, USA. Tel. 1 (816) 363-5525, 1 (800) 247-2311. Email: headquarters [at] alphadeltakappa.org

See: Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarships


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