The UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women is accepting applications from government authorities at the national and local levels, civil society organizations and networks — including non-governmental, women’s and community-based organizations, coalitions and operational research institutions — and UN Country Teams in partnership with governments and civil society organizations.
The Fund is a leading global multi-lateral mechanism supporting national efforts to end one of the most widespread human rights violations in the world. It is administered by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) on behalf of the UN System.
Who can apply?
- Government authorities at central/national, sub-national and/or local levels, including National Women’s Machineries and other sectoral Ministries. A government entity may either apply individually or as part of a UNCT proposal, but not both.
- Civil society organizations and networks, including non-governmental organizations that are legally registered in the country of implementation.
- Regional/international civil society organizations and networks that have national presence in the country(ies) and/or territory(ies) of implementation. In this case, the proposal must indicate how the proposed interventions will contribute to national capacity development and ownership of national and local organizations in the implementation.
- Operational research/evaluation institutions specialized in gender equality and gender-based violence.
- UN Country Teams (UNCTs) are eligible where requested by the government and in partnership with women’s groups, organizations and/or networks, as well as with other civil society organizations
Budget and duration of proposals:
Budget requests should be within the range of a minimum of $300,000 to a maximum of $1 million total for duration of two to three years.
Proposals will be considered for a minimum $100,000 for duration of up to three years for innovative approaches from small civil society organizations, especially grassroots women’s organizations and networks, and those working in conflict and unstable situations.
Applications should be centered on supporting implementation of national and local policies, laws and action plans on ending violence against women.
The deadline for submissions is April.
For more information and application, visit: Funds to Help End Violence Against Women