Why some women experience itching at the start of priods?


During ovulation, a woman produces copious, slippery, colourless and mucoid vaginal fluids. These fluids do not itch. About two weeks into getting periods, women of child bearing age ovulate. During this period, a woman has high libido and enjoys a lot of sex.

During this time, if a woman is allergic to semen, condoms and synthetic panty liners. Here a woman is likely to get vaginal itches.

The vaginal environment contains organisms which include good bacteria called lactobacilli. The doctors tell us that doderleins lactobacilli help in the manufacture lactic acid from glycogen in the vaginal walls.

Cytolytic vaginosis is a condition that happens when these bacilli overgrow, leading to too much acid production. This irritates the vaginal walls and environs and leads to itching.

There is pain in the irritated parts during sex and too much hydrogen peroxide, which is an antiseptic, kills the natural vaginal organisms destabilising the vaginal environment.

You may treat cytolytic vaginosis by reducing the acidity and increasing alkalinity. Cytolytic vaginosis sometimes is mistaken to be fungal (candida). The patient therefore ends up taking all the wrong medication.


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