The Japan-based Peace Stone Foundation is open to receive the grant applications from NGOs seeking support for educational projects for children who cannot afford to go to school.
Peace Stone Foundation Activities:
- To provide assistance to educational projects for children such as literacy training in developing countries;
- To assist NGOs and relevant organizations which are active in helping educational programs internationally;
- Publication of periodicals;
- Other educational activities
Areas of Coverage (Plan): African countries and others
Qualification for Applicant:
- The applicant should have been active as a non-profit-making organization for more than 3 consecutive years.
- The organization should be authorized by the local or central government, or an equivalent body.
- Total annual project cost (actual project expenditure) should be less than USD 100,000.
- An organization that can submit application through an associate organization or a supporting group in Japan is preferred.
Eligible Projects Should
- be educational and targeted for children in developing countries.
- have continuous aspects, and the follow-up activities are required after the projects completion.
- be conducted by the applicant firsthand both in planning and implementation.
- be started and completed between April 1 and March 31.
- show appropriate and reasonable purpose, budget and expected outcomes…
The maximum amount of a grant is Yen1, 500,000 in Japanese currency.
Interim reports as of the end of June, September and December are required and the final report should be submitted immediately after the completion of the project.
Applicants could use either English or Japanese in communication.
The grant applications should reach the office of the Foundation between 1 September and 31 October.
Please note that proposals have to be sent by mail only (no electronic submission) – so enough time is available now to work on this funding opportunity.
NGOs from South-East Asia, Africa and other regions can submit proposals and the effective date of project implementation begins from March.
Contact: The Peace Stone Foundation, Ohashi Building 7F, 7-2, Toranomon 3-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0001 Japan.
For further details and application forms, see: Postgrad Solutions Global LLM Study Bursaries Website