African farmers are highly called for Agricultural project in Germany university.

The Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development of the Georg-August-University of Goettingen (Germany) has an opening for a doctoral student to work full-time in a project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and lead by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).

It is entitled “Banana tissue culture: community dissemination pathways for delivery of high quality planting material to create markets for African farmers.”

This project relates to the economics of banana high-value agricultural supply chains in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

The positions are funded for a period of three years, with a starting date in April (or somewhat later).

The student will work closely with national, regional and international partners, policy bodies, farmer groups and private enterprises, and the research will involve collection of primary farm survey data in selected study countries.

Students will participate in the International PhD Program for Agricultural Sciences in Goettingen (IPAG).

The candidate will be required to study in Germany at the beginning of their Ph.D., with extensive field work in the three target countries during year 2 and year 3.

Essential requirements:

  • Outstanding Master’s degree (or equivalent) in agricultural economics (or related discipline)
  • Experience with quantitative economic techniques
  • Strong and proven statistical skills
  • Willingness and capacity to travel frequently in the target countries
  • Excellent command of the English language
  • Proven interest in rural development policy issues
  • Excellent computer skills

Desired requirements: Knowledge of German

Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, academic certificates and transcripts, an executive summary of the Master’s thesis, and names and e-mail addresses of two references.

For more information and scholarships application materials, see African Scholarships – PhD Scholarship for East Africans


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