The Food Security Center (FSC) is a newly established university center of excellence in development collaboration at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
It is one of five excellence centers of the program “exceed – Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation”, which is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany.
Food Security Center (FSC) awards up to 29 scholarships for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers for a period of 4 to 36 months, starting April 15.
The Center wishes to attract outstanding PhD students and postdoctoral fellows pursuing a career in academia or development collaboration.
The scholarships aim at increasing their previously gained scientific knowledge and skills relevant to food security related issues.
Furthermore, it aims at establishing an active, long-lasting collaboration with the supported researchers and their home institutions.
Food Security Center (FSC) offers three categories of scholarships:
1. Sandwich scholarships for PhD students (6 months)
2. Research scholarships for visiting postdoctoral researchers (4 months)
3. Excellence scholarships for FSC-supported PhD program “Young Excellence School” (36 months)
In category 1 and 2, Food Security Center (FSC) scholarships will support researchers from developing countries to conduct their research either at the University of Hohenheim (South – North) or at a national or international research institute in a developing country, for instance one of the centers of the CGIAR (South – South).
There are few scholarships for students and postdoctoral researchers of the University of Hohenheim to visit a research institute in a developing country (North – South).
For more scholarship information and application, see: Food Security Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries