Durham university offers doctoral fellowships to interested students.


Durham University offers a generous package of support to outstanding doctoral research students through the Durham Doctoral Fellowships Scheme.

The scheme provides:

  • Full payment of tuition fees at home or overseas rate
  • A maintenance stipend at the national rate (£12,600)
  • A research training support grant (£1,000)
  • An allowance to attend a UK-Grad School

Durham University PhD Scholarships Eligibility

Applicants must meet the standard University and department admissions criteria and have applied to the University for admission as a registered research student, to a course of full-time study for a PhD.

Students who are already registered for a PhD course are not eligible to apply for an award.

Where applicants are eligible they must submit an application for external funding i.e. to a Research Council or other sponsor.

If successful the applicant would use the external funding in place of the Doctoral Fellowship funds.

In this case Fellowship holders would retain the title and rights of other Doctoral Fellows.

Nature of Awards

Awards will normally be extended for another two years subject to progress being deemed satisfactory by the academic department and the Postgraduate Awards Sub-Committee.

If extended, the award would continue to provide a full waiver of fees, a maintenance award at the nationally agreed rate and a research training support grant.

Doctoral Fellows will be required to participate in a programme of academic activities designed to further enhance their development as researchers.

Details of this programme will be provided to Fellowship holders at the start of their programme of study.


Applicants should submit an application for postgraduate study using the standard on-line application procedure; there is no separate application form.

In the standard on-line application form, in the section entitled “References, Finance and Funding”, you should state that you wish to be considered for a Doctoral Fellowship in response to the question concerning how you intend to finance your studies (you should also mention any other applications you intend to make or sources of income already obtained).

Only those on-line applications submitted by the deadline will be considered for a Doctoral Fellowship.

All additional documentation (references, transcripts etc) must have been receieved in the Graduate School by the indicated deadline.

Online application

For more scholarship details and application forms, see: Fully Funded Durham University PhD Scholarships

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